Fall OnlineTestConf 2017~ 1 min.

Online Test Conf #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

On the 28th and 29th of November there is the Fall OnlineTestConf 2017, an online conference, that is all about testing. The keynote speakers are: James Bach, Joel Montvelisky and Danny Faught.

I already participated in the Online Test Conf 2017 Spring Edition, which was really interesting so I was really looking forward for this fall’s event.

I think it is super comfortable to be able to join the event from everywhere in the world, as you do not have to pay to travel to this conference and it is absolutely free, so that you can just sit at your office desk or at home and switch in the sessions you want to hear.

As promised I did some sketchnoting and here is the result:

Testing in the future. Today!

Joel Montvelisky

Testing in the future - today #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

Getting non-testers to Test: Helping them to help you

Lalitkumar Bhamare

Getting non-testers to test #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

Shifting is more than shift left

Jesper Ottosen

Shifting is more than shift left #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

Myth busters on test automation

Karishma Kolli

Myth busters on test automation #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

When animals test

James Bach

When animals test #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

Modern testing meets reality

Danny Faught

Modern testing meets reality #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

Mind maps can save your sanity

Janet Aponte-Pagan

Mind maps can save your sanity #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

The new normal for development and testing in agile and devops

Michael Sowers

New normal for development and testing #onlinetestconf - Katjasays.com

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