Sketchnotes of EnterJS 2018 #ejs18~ 1 min.

EnterJS #ejs18 -

The EnterJS is an enterprise JavaScript conference which took place in Darmstadt in June 2018. the talks were about different aspects of JavaScript: Frameworks, performance, security, testing and more. I really liked the programm, not only because I was a part of it together with my colleague Kim, but because there was a huge variety of talks for different levels. The location was very good and the speaker hotel was literally two minutes of walking away (two, not one, because of the traffic lights).

If you are a returning visitor of my blog, you know, that now comes the interesting part: my sketchnotes of the EnterJS 2018.

Seven things to do to make you a happier JavaScript developer

Chris Heilmann

Seven Things to do to make you a happier javascript developer #ejs18

Micro Frontends: JavaScript Integration Patterns

Oliver Zeigermann & Nils Hartmann

Micro frontends javascript integration patterns #ejs18

Battle of the frameworks

Lora Vardarova

Battle of the frameworks #ejs18

Common ways we break accessibility and how to avoid them

Laura Carvajal

Common ways we break accessibility and how to avoid them #ejs18

JavaScript security – Webbrowser in Gefahr

Joshua Tiago

Javascript security webbrowser in Gefahr #ejs18

Future proof frontend coding: decouple your dependencies

Bilal Cinarli

Future proof frontend coding decouple your dependencies #ejs18

Impostor syndrome: am I suffering enough to talk about it

Madeleine Neumann

Impostor syndrome am I suffering enough to talk about it #ejs18

Chrome Devtools Deep Dive

Johannes Hoppe & Ferdinand Malcher

Chrome devtools deep dive #ejs18

Continuous Security auf dem nächsten Level

Martin Reinhardt

Continuous security auf dem nächsten level #ejs18

Satisfying the need for mobile speed – building the ultimate PWA experience

Jamie Maria Schouren & Fabian Schmengler

Satisfying the need for mobile speed pwa #ejs18

Jest: Frontend Testing leicht gemacht

Holger Plankermann

Jest frontend testing richtig gemacht #ejs18

Please let me know if you need a sketchnote in its original size and feel free to leave a comment! If you are a speaker and want to add some text to your talk section, just write me.

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