After 5 years there was finally another European version of the Monitorama conference, which took place in Amsterdam. The other version is the one in Portland, which takes place every year. I was very happy, when the European edition was announced, which made attending Monitorama possible for me.
I heard a lot about Monitorama already. My colleagues went to Portland and came back with lots of ideas on how to improve our monitoring. So – what is Monitorama all about? As you can imagine from the name, it is (almost) all about monitoring and observability. Trends, tools, experience reports about monitoring topics and more. But there are also some meta topics, like diversity in tech.
The special thing about Monitorama is that it is a single track conference. So you don’t miss any speakers and don’t have to change rooms. I really liked this, because now you didn’t have to choose between talks and could just attend all of them, without having the fear to miss something interesting.
I enjoyed the conference and got some new ideas and inspirations that I can take back with me to my daily work. If you want to know, what was going on at the Monitorama EU edition, you can have a look on my sketchnotes:
You don’t look like an Engineer
Nagios, Sensu, Prometheus – Why a change of the framework does not change the mindset
Is observability good for our brain? How about post-mortems?
Unquantified Serendipity: Diversity in Development
How to build observability into a serverless application
Monitoring what you don’t own
What the NTSB teaches us about incident management and postmortems
A thousand and one postmortems: lessons learned from running complex systems at scale
Prometheus for Practitioners: Migrating to Prometheus at Fastly
Rethinking UX for AI-driven Monitoring Tools
Building a monitoring strategy and gaining consensus
Self-hosted and open-source time series analysis for your infrastructure
Monitoring Serverless Things
How AI Helps Observe Decentralised Systems
Incremental-decremental Methods For Real-Time Monitoring
As you can see, there are lots of different topics that the speakers were talking about. I hope you can get some insights with the help of my sketchnotes and I would like to get to know about your opinion and insights. Also: let me know if you need the Monitorama sketchnotes in a higher resolution.
Hi there! Your sketch notes are AMAZING!!!
Thank you, Annie 🙂
Thank you again for attending Monitorama EU and for capturing the experience through your sketches. It was entirely unexpected and a huge honor for me to have this happen at one of our little events. 💕